• 2021-04-14
    Hitler failed to capture Moscow because of the strong resistance from Russian people.
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      Adolf Hitler aroused the strong ___ and ____in Germany.

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      当年轻人处于单身时,他们容易受到来自他人的压力。 A: When young people remain signal, they are open to pressure from other people. B: When young people remain single, they are easy to pressure from other people. C: When young people remain single, they are open to pressure from other people. D: When young people remain single, they are accustomed to pressure from other people.

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      The Russian Armies were ____ on Berlin when Hitler was prepared for his death.

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      5. Ideas need to be transformed from protecting nature from people to protecting nature for people.

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      A dialect is a form of __________ peculiar to a group of people , as distinguished from the __________ of the whole people.