“King Gesar” was passed down through generations to generations in a _____ narration over 1,000 years.
- The total accumulation of beliefs, customs, values, behaviors, institutions and communication patterns that are shared, learned and passed down through the generations in an identifiable group of people.
- Why are women becoming more beautiful over generations?
- 中国大学MOOC: Mama and Maggie symbolize the connection between generations and the that ______passed between them.
- 中文姓名的特点是, 姓总是在前,名跟在其后,千百年来,父姓一直世代相传。 A: The characteristic of Chinese name is that the family name comes the first, followed by the given name. For thousands of years, the paternal name has passed down from generation to generation. B: The characteristic of Chinese name is that the given name comes the first, following by the family name. For thousands of years, the paternal name has passed down from generations to generations.
- How long has the bias towards women been lasting in China A: Over 1,000 years. B: Over 2,000 years. C: About 1,000 years. D: About 2,000 years.