• 2022-06-03
    According to our business check, the company receives all (favor) _____________ comments from its customers.
  • favorable


    • 0

      A company extends its trade credit terms by four days to all its credit customers. These credit customers aremost likelyto experience a four-day: A: decrease in their net operating cycle. B: increase in their operating cycle. C: decrease in their operating cycle.

    • 1

      If a company deposits all its receipts in the bank and pays all its bills by check, then the monthly bank statement balance will always agree with the company's record of its checking account balance.

    • 2

      The business risk of an oil company which has diversified into a number of other activities such as leisure and tourism is 1.4. If the oil company divested itself of all other activities and concentrated on its core business, its beta is expected to be 1.5

    • 3

      The sales force is the link between the company and its customers.

    • 4

      What does a salesperson need to do according to the text? A: Check on credit. B: Present new products. C: Visit customers. D: All the above.