the formulation of ketoconazole gel, the effect of ethylparaben is (
A: Antioxidants
B: Preservatives
C: Oil
soluble matrix
D: Moisturizer
the formulation of ketoconazole gel, the effect of ethylparaben is (
A: Antioxidants
B: Preservatives
C: Oil
soluble matrix
D: Moisturizer
- Properties of X-ray include:() A: Penetrating<br/>effect: B: Fluorescent<br/>effect: C: Sensitization<br/>effect: D: Ionization<br/>effect: E: All<br/>of above
- In<br/>an auxiliary diesel engine bypass type lubricating oil system, the<br/>main oil pump forces ____. A: all<br/>of the oil used by the engine through a filter B: some<br/>of the oil used by the engine through a filter C: some<br/>of the oil used by the engine through a centrifuge D: all<br/>of the oil used by the engine through a centrifuge
- 非组蛋白又称为序列特异性结合蛋白,可以通过( ) 法进行检测。[br][/br][br][/br][br][/br] A: Southern 印迹 B: Northern 印迹 C: Gel阻滞 D: 斑点杂交
- The major compensatory pathway in acute metabolic acidosis is () A: Buffer<br/>effect of cells. B: Respiratory<br/>regulation. C: Buffer<br/>system in the blood. D: Renal<br/>regulation. E: Buffer<br/>effect of bones.
- <br/>The major compensatory pathway in acute metabolic acidosis is () A: Buffer<br/>effect of cells. B: Respiratory<br/>regulation. C: Buffer system in<br/>the blood. D: Renal regulation. E: Buffer effect of<br/>bones.