A: select cid,avg(grade) from student group by cid having cid=’a001’
B: select cid,avg(grade) from student where cid=’a001’ group by cid
C: select cid,avg(grade) from course where cid=’a001’ group by cid
D: select cid,avg(grade) from sc where cid=’a001’ group by cid
- 查询选修了a001号课程的学生的最高成绩() A: select cid, max(grade) from course where cid=’a001’ group by cid B: select cid,max(grade) from student where cid=’a001’ group by cid C: select cid, max(grade) from sc where cid=’a001’ group by cid D: select cid, max(grade) from student group by cid having cid=’a001’
- 按照课程号进行分组,统计学生平均成绩大于60分的学生的信息( ) A: select cid,avg(grade) from sc group by cid having avg(grade)>60 B: select cid,avg(grade) from student group by cid having avg(grade)>60 C: select cid,avg(grade) from course where avg(grade)>60 group by cid D: select cid,avg(grade) from student where avg(grade)>60 group by cid
- 查询选修了a001号课程且成绩在60分以上的所有学生 A: select * from course where cid=’a001’ and grade>=60 B: select * from student where cid=’a001’ and grade>=60 C: select * from sc where cid=’a001’ D: select * from sc where cid=’a001’ and grade>=60
- 按照学号进行分组,统计学生的平均成绩() A: select sid, avg(grade) from student group by cid B: select sid, avg(grade) from student group by sid C: select sid, avg(grade) from sc group by sid D: select sid, avg(grade) from sc group by cid
- 按课程号分类,统计相应的选课人数() A: select cid, count(distinct sid) from sc group by cid B: select cid, count(*) from student group by cid C: select cid, count(distinct cid) from sc group by cid D: select cid, count(distinct sid) from student group by cid
- 0
按照学号进行分组,统计学生的平均成绩,且平均分按降序排列 A: select sid, avg(grade) from sc group by sid order by avg(grade) desc B: select sid, avg(grade) from sc group by cid order by avg(grade) desc C: select sid, avg(grade) from student group by sid order by avg(grade) desc D: select sid, avg(grade) from student group by cid order by avg(grade)
- 1
查询学生的学号,姓名,选修课程号和课程成绩 A: select sid,sname,cid,grade from student,sc where student.sid=sc.sid B: select * from student,sc where student.sid=sc.sid C: select sid,sname,cid,cname from student,course D: select sid,sname,cid,cname from student,sc
- 2
查询成绩在60分以上的学生的信息及其选课的课程号和成绩 A: select student.*,cid,grade from student,sc where student.sid=sc.sid and grade>=60 B: select * from student,sc where student.sid=sc.sid where grade>=60 C: select * from student,sc where student.sid=sc.sid where student.sid=sc.sid D: select * from student,course where grade>=60
- 3
【单选题】假设订单表 orders 用于存储订单信息, cid 代表客户编号, money 代表单次订购额,现要查询每个客户的订购次数和每个客户的订购总金额,则下列() SQL 语句可以返回正确的结果。 A. select cid,count(distinct(cid)),sum(money) from ordersgroup by cid B. select cid , count(distinct(cid)) , sum(money) fromorders order by cid C. select cid , count(cid) , sum(money) from orders orderby cid D. select cid , count(cid) , sum(money) from orders groupby cid
- 4
查询选修了2门课程以上的学生学号() A: select sid,count(*) from sc group by sid having count(*)>=2 B: select sid,count(*) from sc group by sid where count(*)>=2 C: select sid,count(*) from sc where count(*)>=2 group by sid D: select sid,count(*) from sc group by cid having count(*)>=2