After a dispute, in case that the parties concerned are unable to reach an agreement, they can ask a third party to help settle the dispute. This action is called ( ).
A: negotiation
B: mediation
C: arbitration
D: litigation
A: negotiation
B: mediation
C: arbitration
D: litigation
- Situation' when third neutral party helps in negotiation of agreement is classified as_____ A: mediation B: arbitration C: impasse D: intervention
- Before going for arbitration, both parties involved in a dispute need to make an arbitration agreement in written form, in which they agree to refer the subject in dispute to a third party. This indicates the ( ) nature of arbitration. A: flexible B: necessary C: compulsory D: firm
- The arbitration agreement can be concluded before or after the dispute.
- Which one is not the advantage of negotiation( )。 A: Flexibility and<br/>informality B: It lacks of<br/>binding and needs both parties initiative. C: The parties can<br/>begin bargaining discussions at the outset of the dispute D: Settlement<br/>discussions are controlled entirely by the parties and the dispute is<br/>resolved only by a solution satisfactory to all.
- If the negotiation is with regard to any industrial dispute, negotiators should ensure that the distance between the parties is long enough.