• 2022-06-11
    After a dispute, in case that the parties concerned are unable to reach an agreement, they can ask a third party to help settle the dispute. This action is called ( ).
    A: negotiation
    B: mediation
    C: arbitration
    D: litigation
  • C


    • 0

      The parties bo a contract agree to take any dispute initially to arbitration rather than to court,because ( ) A: this can save time B: this can save costs C: this can avoid bad publicity D: all of the above

    • 1

      2.The WTO is ______________. A: an organization for liberalizing trade B: a forum for governments to negotiate trade agreement C: a Superman who can solve all problems D: a place to settle trade dispute

    • 2

      Situation' when third neutral party helps in negotiation of agreement is classified as_____

    • 3

      Business negotiation is a give and take trading process in which the trading parties discuss the conditions of a transaction and reach an agreement .

    • 4

      中国大学MOOC: There are two forms of arbitration agreement - arbitration clause before a dispute arises or submission agreement. The main difference between the two forms is that the first form has stronger legal effect than the second form.