• 2022-06-11
    Milk, eggs or butter are always at the back of the shop. So shoppers must pass many things they don’t really need.()
    A: 牛奶、鸡蛋或奶油总是放在超市的后面。这样顾客必须经过一大堆好看但非真正需要的商品。
    B: 牛奶、鸡蛋或奶油总是放在超市的后面。这样顾客必须传递一大堆好看但非真正需要的商品。
    C: 牛奶、鸡蛋或奶油总是放在超市的后面。这样顾客必须先买一大堆好看但非真正需要的商品。
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      To reach the milk, eggs or butter, you must pass many things that are nice but that you don’t really need.

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      To reach the milk, eggs or butter, you must pass many things you don’t really need. A: that B: and C: when D: where

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      标准的海蟹浓汤要在汤中加入()。 A: 奶油和鸡蛋 B: 牛奶和面粉 C: 奶油和蘑菇 D: 牛奶和奶油

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      煎鸡蛋时,生鸡蛋必须用工具扎破蛋黄,主要原因是() A: 外观好看 B: 防止蛋黄爆裂 C: 口味需要 D: 防止鸡蛋不熟