A: Computer &Communication Link
B: Control &Communication Link
C: Control &Command Link
D: Company&Customer Link
A: Computer &Communication Link
B: Control &Communication Link
C: Control &Command Link
D: Company&Customer Link
- Flow control is one of the basic functions of the data link layer. Regarding flow control, which one is correct among following statements? A: Only the data link layer has flow control B: Not only the data link layer has flow control, but the flow control objects of each layer are the same C: Not only does the data link layer have flow control, but the flow control objects of each layer are different D: None of the above is right
- 基于“学生-选课-课程”数据库中如下三个关系: A: s↑.link:=p↑.link;p↑.link:=s B: q↑.link:=s;s↑.link:=p C: p↑.link:=s↑.link;s↑.link:=p D: p↑.link:=s;s↑.link:=q
- 单链表的每个结点中包括一个指针link,它指向该结点的后继结点。现将从单链表中删除指针p所指的下一结点。下面的操作序列中哪一个是正确的 A: q:=p↑.link;p↑.link:=q↑.link B: p↑.link:=q↑.link;q:=p↑.link C: q↑.link:=p↑.link;p↑.link:=q D: p↑.link:=q;q↑.link:=p↑.link
- 在一个单链表HL中,若要在指针q所指结点的后面插入一个由指针p所指向的结点,则执行( )。 A: q->link=p->link; B: q->link=p->link;p->link=q; C: p->link=q->link;q=p; D: p->link=q->link;q->link=p;
- 单向链表的每一个节点都有一个指向它的后续节点的指针link,现有节点p和q,要将q插入节点p的后面,正确的操作应该是 A: q↑.link:=p↑.link;p↑.link:=q; B: q:=p↑.link;p↑.link:=q↑.link; C: q↑.link:=p;p↑.link:=q; D: q:=p↑.link;p:=q↑.link;