• 2022-06-11
    Which one below is NOT an essential element of communication?
    A: At least two or more people get involved.
    B: A shared language between the sender and receiver of messages
    C: No share of information
    D: Some contact between two sides
  • C


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      检查之间的最短时间是两分钟。 A: The minimum time between checks is two minutes. B: Allow at least two minutes between successive checks. C: The least interval between successive checks is two minutes.

    • 1

      允许连续检查之间至少间隔两分钟。 A: The minimum time between checks is two minutes. B: Allow at least two minutes between successive checks. C: The least interval between successive checks is two minutes.

    • 2

      An i meeting is one between two or three people without these formal elements.

    • 3

      Which description below is not a similarity between The Great Gatsby and Heart of Darkness? ( ) A: The two narrators in the two novels observed the two protagonists from all sides and issued warning to the reader. B: Both works are about the thirst for power and the lust for wealth. C: Their descriptions of setting are the same. D: Their use of language though not quite familiar, the end result is the same, that is, the isolation of each individual.

    • 4

      Which age group below is the least polite in the tests? A: people before 40 B: people in 20s C: people between 40-50 D: people over 60