• 2022-06-11
    The standard period of “climate” is .
    A: 3-7 days
    B: one year
    C: two years
    D: 30 years
  • D


    • 0

      When was the man in New York A: About two years ago. B: About one year ago, C: About three years ago.

    • 1

      We’ll leave our school in________. A: two year and a half B: two years and a half C: two and half a years D: two and half a year

    • 2

      Now the House of Lords can prevent a bill from passing into a law for _____. A: A. one year B: B. two years C: C. six years

    • 3

      I have two cats. ______ white one is two years old and ______ black one is three years old. A: a;a B: the;a C: the;the D: a;the

    • 4

      He said that he would travel abroad ________. A: now B: the following year C: two years before D: two years ago