• 2022-06-11
    When the diaphragm and external intercostals muscles contract, which
    of the following actions does NOT occur ____?
    A: Air moves into the lung
    B: The intrapleural pressure increases
    C: The diaphragm moves inferiorly
    D: The intrapulmonary pressure decreases
  • B


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      The muscles taking<br/>part in normal inspiration include A: diaphragm and intercostales<br/>externi. B: diaphragm and intercostales interni. C: intercostales externi and intercostales<br/>interni. D: diaphragm and pectoralis<br/>major.

    • 1

      With the increase of pressure altitude, . A: thrust increases, drag increases, thrust minus drag increases B: thrust decreases, drag decreases, thrust minus drag increases C: thrust decreases, drag decreases, thrust minus drag decreases D: thrust decreases, drag decreases, thrust minus drag does not change

    • 2

      Why does breathing become difficult for humans during a tornado A: The wind becomes fast and hot. B: Air pressure gets steadily lower. C: The black area moves closer. D: They are knocked to the groun

    • 3

      Why does breathing become difficult for humans during a tornado A: The wind becomes fast and hot. B: Air pressure gets steadily lower. C: The black area moves closer. D: They are knocked to the ground.

    • 4

      Which one belongs to muscles of head and neck? () A: trapezius B: sternocleidomastoid C: latissimus<br/>dorsi D: Pectoralis<br/>major E: Diaphragm