The direct motivation for lung ventilation comes from
A: lung contraction
B: elastic retraction of the lungs
C: relief and contraction of respiratory muscles
D: intrapulmonary pressure and atmosphere pressure difference
A: lung contraction
B: elastic retraction of the lungs
C: relief and contraction of respiratory muscles
D: intrapulmonary pressure and atmosphere pressure difference
- When the diaphragm and external intercostals muscles contract, which<br/>of the following actions does NOT occur ____? A: Air moves into the lung B: The intrapleural pressure increases C: The diaphragm moves inferiorly D: The intrapulmonary pressure decreases
- Ventilation in birds is accomplished by expansion and contraction of the ( ). A: air sacs B: trachea C: lungs D: diaphragm E: air capillaries
- The pressure inside the heart reaches its highest value at () A: End of atrial contraction B: End of isovolumetric contraction C: Rapid ejection phase D: End of isovolumetric relaxation E: End of ventricular filling
- The main power in delivery is: () A: Uterine contraction B: Abdominal muscles and C: diaphragm contraction D: levator ani muscle contractility E: The psyche
- The diagnosis of lung tumours with CT imaging methods is routinely used due to: A: a) the small difference in density between the lungs and the tumours B: b) the large contrast between low density, air-filled lung tissue and solid lung tumour masses C: c) the absence of other imaging modalities to diagnose tumours