• 2022-06-10
    You can be sure that he is somewhat _____________.
    A: in 30 years old
    B: in the thirties
    C: in thirty years
    D: in the thirty
  • B


    • 0

      How many years had Rip been asleep?( ) A: twenty years B: ten years C: fifteen years D: thirty years

    • 1

      Can you believe that he has ________ go-karting since he was 12 years old?

    • 2

      He began to write poems in ______ . A: the thirtieth B: the thirties C: his thirty's D: his thirties

    • 3

      Lang Lang is not yet thirty years old.

    • 4

      The hero of the story is an artist in his ______. A: thirtieth B: thirty C: thirty’s D: thirties