• 2022-06-11
    Why was the black dress sold at such a high price
    A: It was made of gold
    B: The buyer was a rich actor
    C: It was once worn by a famous star
    D: The buyer
  • C


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      If the original price of a sweater is $200 and today it is sold with a sign “60% off”, how much should the buyer pay?

    • 1

      If the item was accurately described and listed, but the buyer doesn’t want it with no excuse or an ordering mistake was made by the buyer himself, you may refund the item price plus the shipping cost. ( )

    • 2

      The seller reduces the price by a certain percentage of the original price the for the buyer according to the original price, that’s to say to do proper favour in price on the buyer, the favour is ( ) A: commission B: discount C: advance payment D: deposit

    • 3

      Under D/A, the title to the goods will be released to the buyer _______ the buyer has accepted the draft. A: 21 days B: after C: once D: before

    • 4

      Ruby was an Asian elephant () A: who was sold for a price as high as $ 5,000 B: who was famous for being the first painting elephant C: whose paintings sold for as high as $ 5,000 D: who started painting in the late 1980s