• 2022-06-11
    A company whose managers focus on results, rather than how results are achieved, most likely possesses a high degree of ________.
  • outcome orientation


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      Mugging are most likely to occur ______. A: in the suburbs rather than in the city B: in the ghettos rather than in the fringe areas of the city C: in the fringe area of the city rather than in the city center D: in Washington rather than in any other American cities

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      中国大学MOOC: The Results and Discussion should keep a steady focus and be concise and __________.

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      Drug metabolism usually results in a product that is A: more likely to distribute intracellularly B: less lipid soluble than the original drug C: more likely to be reabsorbed by kidney tubules D: more lipid soluble than the original drug E: more likely to produce adverse effects

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      中国大学MOOC: (2) The track events are those whose results are measured by time.

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      The ideal candidate for the position will be a graduate ______ possesses a master’s degree in marketing. A: whoever B: who C: whose D: whom