• 2022-06-11
    A company whose managers focus on results, rather than how results are achieved, most likely possesses a high degree of ________.
    A: people orientation
    B: team orientation
    C: outcome orientation
    D: aggressiveness
  • C


    • 0

      Clyde and Florence Kluckhohn insturct us to get at the root of any culture's value system from___________. A: Human nature orientation B: Man-nature orientation C: Time orientation D: Activity orientation E: Social orientation

    • 1

      _________ cultures worship ancestors or emphasize strong family ties, like China. A: Value-past orientation B: Value-present orientation C: Value-future orientation

    • 2

      If you are going to start a company or work freelance, which combination of PEP elements are the most useful for your career orientation?

    • 3

      Monochronic time orientation views relationships with people as more important than completing a work activity in a specified time.

    • 4

      Which leadership style in the Situational Leadership Model is used when Task Orientation is HIGH and Relationship Orientation is LOW? A: Directing B: Inspiring C: Coaching D: Supporting E: Delegating