• 2022-06-14
    The new law makes no distinction between (adults) and children
    A: 成年人
    B: 儿童
    C: 年轻人
    D: 老人
  • A


    • 0

      新型冠状病毒的易感人群是() A: 年轻人 B: 老年人 C: 儿童 D: 老人儿童和年轻人

    • 1

      以下哪类人必须保持正氮平衡()。 A: 成年男人 B: 孕妇 C: 成年女人 D: 老人

    • 2

      The official said they__________ a new law to protect the tourists the next year. A: makes B: would make C: made D: have made

    • 3

      Chomsky made the distinction between _______________.

    • 4

      Saussure made the distinction between