• 2021-04-14
    We were ________ at how quickly the kids learned new things.
  • 第一空: amazed


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      How many unlucky things can you find in the film? _________ unlucky things.

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      According to the writer, the greatest benefit of living off the grid was that _________. A: The kids learned the significance of conservation. B: They learned how to generate power from the solar panels. C: They understand that they had to use less water. D: They learned how to avoid of over-consumption of energy.

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      When we compare two things, we show how they are different。( )

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      When we _________ two things, we show how they are similar; when we _________ two things, we show how they are different.( ) A: contrast, compare B: compare, parallel C: compare, contrast D: contrast, parallel

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      Can you tell us how we can _____ the loss quickly?