How do you cope with stress
A: Directly attempt to change the source of stress
B: Smoking and drinking
C: Distance yourself from the source of stress
D: Learn to relax
E: Eat and drink sensibly
A: Directly attempt to change the source of stress
B: Smoking and drinking
C: Distance yourself from the source of stress
D: Learn to relax
E: Eat and drink sensibly
- 5. What can you learn from the passage? A: Stress is bad to people’s health. B: Stress should be wiped out completely. C: We may lead a happy life if we manage stress effectively. D: Because of stress people are inclined to take a pessimistic view of life.
- What's not true about stress A: stress makes you social B: stress makes you compassionate and caring C: stress makes you more willing to help the people you care about D: you should get rid of stress rather than be better at stress
- . If you know the topic well, you will_________ when you prepare for a business presentation. A: spenda long time and suffer from stress B: savea lot of time and suffer less stress C: notspend any time D: notsuffer from any stress
- How do we stress words in English sentence
- What is the most important thing to deal with stress? A: Think of stress as a bad thing B: Follow other people's ideas C: How you think about stress D: Ask for help