• 2021-04-14
    Test 1 图片题 音频请参照资料库Test 1 1-10 音频 Picture number 1
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      Model Test 1 (匹配)

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      下列选项中,采用指定表的所有字段名的方式给test表插入“id”为“1”,“name”为“小王” 的记录,正确语句是( )。 A: INSERT INTO test(“id”,”name”) VALUES(1,"小王"); B: INSERT INTO test VALUE(1,"小王"); C: INSERT INTO test VALUES(1, '小王'); D: INSERT INTO test(id,name)VALUES(1, '小王');

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      下列代码弹出的正确结果是?() A: 0,test,true,true B: 0,test,true,false C: 1,test,1,2 D: 1,truetest,2,1

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      指出代码输出的各个结果: console.log(test); function test(test){ console.log(test); var test=234; console.log(test); function test(){} } test(1); var test=123;

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      The symbol for the confidence coefficient of a statistical test is A: α. B: 1 - α. C: β. D: 1 - β.