• 2022-06-12
    In 1808, Johnson returned from South America with a large quantityof tomato plants.
  • 1808年,约翰逊带着大量的番茄植物从南美洲回来了。


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      Nobody knows how people first came to these islands. They ___________ from South America on rafts.

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      The first blacks were brought from to North America as slaves in 1619. A: South America B: Africa C: Central Africa D: Oceania

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      Wheat originated from ( ). A: China B: West Asia C: Africa D: Central and South America

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      Compared with people from south America, Americans tend to establish personal relationships with their potential business partners.

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      All of the plants now farmed on a large scale were developed from plants ______ wild. A: that once grew B: once they grow C: they once grew D: once grew