• 2022-06-12
    To better regulate diet, people should eat
    A: Only vegetables
    B: Clean and bland
    C: Complete abstention from meats or foods with taste
    D: Food only cooked with vegetable oils.
  • B


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      It is a good habit to consume foods from each of the five food groups: protein, vegetables, ____________, __________and _______.

    • 1

      The parents ask about the infant's diet, Appropriate nutritional recommendations at this age include all except: A: breastfed baby requires vitamin D supplementation B: solid foods should be introduced and only be given by spoon C: water should be added to the diet D: honey may be added to the diet

    • 2

      Thai food is hot and spicy. A: having a bland taste B: having a sweet taste C: having a pleasantly strong taste

    • 3

      The parents ask about the infant's diet, Appropriate nutritional recommendations at this age include all except: A: breastfed baby requires vitamin D supplementation B: solid foods should be introduced and only be given by spoon C: water should be added to the diet D: appropriate fluoride intake should be assured E: honey may be added to the diet

    • 4

      What will the woman probably eat at the beginning of the college life() A: Food in the restaurants. B: Food brought from home. C: Food in the dinning hall. D: Food cooked by herself.