• 2021-04-14
    Questions 1-5 Complete the statements below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. 1. The World Heart Federation has declared Sunday, __________ to be the World Heart Day. 2. The Federation is __________ organization with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. 3. Its purpose is the prevention and _________ of the vascular system. The group wants to help people all over the world live longer by preventing heart attacks and strokes. 4. The World Heart Federation includes 166 heart organizations in __________. 5. Health experts say that __________ increases the chances of developing high blood pressure and diabetes. Questions 6-10 Answer the following questions using NO MORE THAN FOUR WORDS for each answer. Question 6. What is the percentage of people who fail to get enough exercise? 7. How many people die every year because of a lack of physical exercise? 8. How long should people do exercise every day to control weight and improve mental health? 9. How many countries are taking part in the World Heart Day this year? 10. What do these organizations plan on the World Heart Day?(Name any one of the activities) Answer ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
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