Which of the following statements doesn’t describe the basic
properties of virus?()
A: obligate intracellular parasites
B: filterable
C: contain DNA or RNA
D: self-replication
E: binary fission
properties of virus?()
A: obligate intracellular parasites
B: filterable
C: contain DNA or RNA
D: self-replication
E: binary fission
- Which of the following process needs primer? ( ) A: DNA replication B: RNA replication C: RNA transcription D: RNA translation E: DNA ligation
- Which of the following word doesn’t contain a prefix “bi-”?
- Which of the following sentences doesn’t contain a passive voice?
- Which one of the following statements doesn’t reflect the theme of the text?
- Which of the following cannot be studied by tissue culture?() A: Effects of drugs on cells B: Canceration of cells C: Replication of human disease models D: Chromosomal variation E: Virus replication