• 2021-04-14
    All the words below are used in Laundery Services except
  • beverage


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      The suffix “-ic” is usually used to express all the following meanings EXCEPT ( ). A: words that refer to a person connected with a particular profession or belief B: “characteristic of” C: Words that have opposite meanings to what “-ic” is added to D: words that refer to an art or system of thought

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      All of the following sentences can be used as good topic sentences except ______.

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      In some language, 100 words make up half of all words _____ in daily conversations. A: using B: to use C: having used D: used

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      In some languages, 100 words make up half of all words _____ in daily conversation. A: to use B: used C: using D: having used

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      All the following words describe occupation Christopher Paul Gardner has taken EXCEPT ______________.