• 2022-06-14
    The author seems to think that railways are reminders of the______.
    A: growing dislike in England of the Victorian age
    B: benefits that the machine age has brought to man
    C: ugliness and oppression that modem society has overcome
    D: personal concern and solid beauty of a past age
  • D


    • 0

      The Victorian Age was largely an age of _____, eminently represented by Dickens and Thackeray.

    • 1

      Queen Victoria ruled England for more than 60 years, the time was called the ( ) . A: Victorian Time B: Victorian Period C: Victorian Age D: Develop Age.

    • 2

      What has changed in girls’ leaving age

    • 3

      The Victorian Age is a time of trouble.

    • 4

      ·has a limit in the age for those who will live on campus