• 2022-06-09
    (1)半价票 __________ticket(2)打折票 __________ticket(3)窗口票 __________ ticket(4)改签票 __________ the ticket(5)座票 __________ticket
  • half-price ;half price# discount# window# endorse# seat


    • 0

      Please choose the correct translation of the following terms"Refund the ticket, Endorse the ticket, Discounted airfare ,Full price airfare." A: 退票 B: 打折机票 C: 签转票 D: 全价机票

    • 1

      single-trip ticket A: 往返票 B: 单程票 C: 单人票

    • 2

      book the ticket A: 订票 B: 预定酒店 C: 书本和票

    • 3

      I have got the plane (ticket). A: 票 B: 钱 C: 卡

    • 4

      What does the word “one-way ticket” mean? A: 中铺 B: 单程票 C: 一日票 D: 双程票