• 2022-06-10
    中国大学MOOC: “This at last is bone of my bones/ and flesh of my flesh;/ she shall be called Woman,/ because she was taken out of Man.” What are the poetic techniques used here to emphasize the idea of oneness between the man and the woman? (Lec.31, 07’28’’)
  • all of the above three


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      Man: Gosh! There seems to be no end to the work I have to do. Woman: I’m glad I’m not in your shoes. Question: What does the woman mean A: She is unable to help the man. B: She is busier than the man. C: She is lucky not to work with the man. D: She is not as busy as the man.

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      M: Could I ask you to do me a favorW: That depends on what it is. What does the woman mean() A: She is depending on the man. B: She might be able to help the man. C: She will do anything the man asks. D: She can’t hear what the man has said.

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      Anyway, to get back to my _______ point: There is no easyway for a man to answer a woman’s question of how she looks.

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      Man: When are George’s parents coming back Woman: My sister says both she and George’s father will stay on for the weekend since George is all right here with us. Question: What is the relationship between George and the woman A: Grandmother and grandchild. B: Mother and son-in-law. C: Aunt and nephew. D: Aunt and niec

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      The man will use a light color lipstick for the woman because she has ____ lips.