• 2021-04-14
    Xi is the great treasure of the sovereign of a state. To win a state, one must win its people. To win the people, one must win their trust. Without trust, a sovereign cannot lead his people. Without people, the state will inevitably be lost. Thus, an ancient king would not forfeit the trust of his people, and the ancient overlord of a state would never bully his neighboring states. A good ruler never abuses his people and a good patriarch never abuses his family.
  • 夫信者,人君之大宝也。国保于民,民保于信;非信无以使民,非民无以保国。是故古之王者不欺四海,霸者不欺四邻,善为国者不欺其民,善为家者不欺其亲。


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      His time in the Army must have taught him to keep the contents of his life in good ______. A: order B: form C: state D: circumstance

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      When communicating with people from other cultures, the individual sometimes is likely to treat them as “his people” and to assume there is only one way of doing things: that is “his way”.

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      What is the reason for Jason to start his journey to get the golden fleece? A: To retrieve收回 his royal right B: To win the love of Medea C: To pay tribute to致敬 gods D: To help the local people

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      Which quality on the trust spider is absolutely essential if two people are to learn to trust one another?

    • 4

      The idea that they might not win was _______ to them. They would never imagine that they cannot win.