• 2022-06-14
    Usually our main points should be designed _____.
    A: to directly link to the central idea and at the same time further clarify it
    B: as evidently as possible from our specific purpose statement
    C: to demonstrate the sophistication and depth of our thought
    D: according to the size of the audience
  • A


    • 0

      When writing well-formed claims, we should “align with our audience”. This means:__ A: We adapt our claims so they agree with the audience’s understanding; B: We convince our audience so they agree with our understanding; C: We seek common ground and try to persuade our audience from there; D: None of the above.

    • 1

      Supporting materials are used to _____. A: illustrate, clarify, or qualify an idea B: function as major bones that determine the speech structure C: respond enthusiastically to our audience’s expectation D: provide our audience with interesting and convincing ideas

    • 2

      Usually, our body language acts () further emphasize our words

    • 3

      What is the purpose of opening our mouth as wide as possible and twisting our teeth?

    • 4

      ‍You can project the main points based on the specific purpose and the central idea.‎