• 2022-06-12
    理性指的是一个系统的属性,即在______ [填空1]的环境下做正确的事。
  • 已知


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      1. Listen to the following sentences. Write down the words that can best jog your memory after the signal. Then write down what you hear in English.1)key words:______ [填空1] ______ [填空1] ______ [填空1] What you hear: ______ [填空1][填空1]2)key words: ______ _____ ______ [填空1] ______ _____ ______ [填空1] ______ [填空1] What you hear: ______ [填空1][填空1]

    • 1

      智慧职教: 一个C语言程序中有 [填空(1)]   个main函数。

    • 2

      梗死常见的原因有[填空(1)] 、[填空(2)] 、[填空(3)] 和[填空(4)]

    • 3

      中国大学MOOC: 5.潇湘妃子指的是 [填空1] ,蘅芜君指的是 [填空2] 。

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      智慧职教: 传输层的功能包括[填空(1)]、[填空(2)]、[填空(3)]、[填空(4)]和[填空(5)]