• 2022-06-12
    ( ) is the core of project managementQuality management.
    A: Cost management
    B: Contract management
    C: Quality management
    D: Schedule management
  • B


    • 0

      PMBOK是下列哪个短语的缩写 A: project management book of knowledge B: project management body of knowledge C: project management book of keypoint D: project management body of keypoint

    • 1

      total quality management (TQM) is a management philosophy that emphasizes“managing the entire organization .

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      what is the relationship between management skill and management function? A: Management skill is the ability to carry out the function of management for reaching goals. B: management skill is another saying for management function C: management function includes mannagement skills D: management skill inclueds management function

    • 3

      Which of the below is not a general principle of bank management? A: Liquidity management B: Asset-liability management C: Capital adequacy management D: Interest management

    • 4

      Construction project management