• 2022-06-11
    A: Days passed quickly. She went on working as hard as ever, not caring what she ate, never saving her own strength.
    B: Days passed quickly. She went on working as hard as ever, not caring what she ate, never sparing herself.
    C: Time passed quickly. She went on working as hard as ever, not caring what she ate, never sparing herself.
    D: Time passed quickly. She went on working as hard as ever, not caring what she ate, never saving her strength.
  • C


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      What did Mrs. Smith do when she heard Mr. Jones’ words(). A: She ran back and prepared everything to wait for her husband. B: She quickly cleaned her house. C: She quickly wore her best clothes.

    • 1

      After her graduation from university, she has been working hard so that she can _____ some money to help her parents.

    • 2

      I'll never ____________ her ____________ what she did.

    • 3

      Why didn’t Alice go to bed until late at night(). A: She was doing her housework. B: She was working hard at her lessons. C: She was watching TV.

    • 4

      What did the woman do last Saturday A: She went swimming with her parents. B: She went to a friend’s birthday party. C: She stayed at home.