• 2021-04-14 问题

    Mary ___________ me at the meeting, sparing me some embarrassment.

    Mary ___________ me at the meeting, sparing me some embarrassment.

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    The car is quite ______ of petrol. A: economic B: economical C: saving D: sparing

    The car is quite ______ of petrol. A: economic B: economical C: saving D: sparing

  • 2022-06-03 问题

    ‌Generally speaking, you should arrive at the airport with plenty of time _______. ‌ A: sparing B: to spare C: spare D: spared

    ‌Generally speaking, you should arrive at the airport with plenty of time _______. ‌ A: sparing B: to spare C: spare D: spared

  • 2022-06-04 问题

    The main cause of hyperkalemia is () A: Acute acidosis B: Intravascular hemolysis C: Hypoxia D: Decreased renal excretion E: Application of potassium sparing diuretics

    The main cause of hyperkalemia is () A: Acute acidosis B: Intravascular hemolysis C: Hypoxia D: Decreased renal excretion E: Application of potassium sparing diuretics

  • 2022-06-11 问题

    日子很快过去了,她的做工却丝毫没有松懈,食物不论,力气是不惜的。______ A: Days passed quickly. She went on working as hard as ever, not caring what she ate, never saving her own strength. B: Days passed quickly. She went on working as hard as ever, not caring what she ate, never sparing herself. C: Time passed quickly. She went on working as hard as ever, not caring what she ate, never sparing herself. D: Time passed quickly. She went on working as hard as ever, not caring what she ate, never saving her strength.

    日子很快过去了,她的做工却丝毫没有松懈,食物不论,力气是不惜的。______ A: Days passed quickly. She went on working as hard as ever, not caring what she ate, never saving her own strength. B: Days passed quickly. She went on working as hard as ever, not caring what she ate, never sparing herself. C: Time passed quickly. She went on working as hard as ever, not caring what she ate, never sparing herself. D: Time passed quickly. She went on working as hard as ever, not caring what she ate, never saving her strength.

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    Choose the best topic sentence from the four options below. Write the corresponding letter of your choice on the Answer Sheet. A: Thousands of scholars and students have gone to foreign countries to study. B: Many people are sparing no effort in applying for going abroad. C: A large number of people went to the U. S.. D: In recent years, studying abroad had flourished.

    Choose the best topic sentence from the four options below. Write the corresponding letter of your choice on the Answer Sheet. A: Thousands of scholars and students have gone to foreign countries to study. B: Many people are sparing no effort in applying for going abroad. C: A large number of people went to the U. S.. D: In recent years, studying abroad had flourished.

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