A: Table
B: Where
C: From
D: Select
A: Table
B: Where
C: From
D: Select
- Select查询语句中,()用于指定从哪张表查询
- 在SQL查询语句中,( )子句用于指定来源表。 A: For B: Select C: Where D: From
- 下面哪条语句可以查询姓“张”并且年龄等于20岁的用户,请问用哪条语句? A: Select * From table Where name like "%张%" And intAge=20 B: Select * From table Where name like "张%" And intAge=20 C: Select * From table Where name like "张%" And intAge="20" D: Select * From table Where name="张" And intAge=20
- 下面查询语句中哪条查询语句会查询出所有包含"李"的数据? A: select * from student where name limit‘%李%’ B: select * from student where name =‘%李%’ C: select * from student where name like‘%李%’ D: select * from student where name in‘%李%’
- 下列()语句指定查询目的。 A: select B: from C: where D: grup by