• 2022-06-12
    A: Cable
    News Network,电视新闻网络
    B: Convolutional
    Neural Network,卷积神经网络
    C: Cable
    Neural Network,电视神经网络
    D: 以上说法都不正确
  • B


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      中国大学MOOC: CNN is short for Cable News Network, a cable station founded in July by Ted Turner .

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      Which of the following phrases are the artificial neural networks truly used in machine Learning? A: Bayes Network B: Convolutional neural network C: Deep auto-encoder D: Long short-term memory E: Wireless network

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      Fuzzy<br/>logic is a type of ____. A: data<br/>mining B: neural<br/>network C: intelligent<br/>technique D: business<br/>intelligence

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      cable network, the word cable means( )?

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      深度学习中最经典的网络是CNN,即卷积神经网络。( )