人工神经网络(Artificial Neural Netwok)把多个
人工神经网络(Artificial Neural Netwok)把多个
神经元,神经细胞 A: neuro B: neural C: neurine D: neuron
神经元,神经细胞 A: neuro B: neural C: neurine D: neuron
Which of the following phrases are the artificial neural networks truly used in machine Learning? A: Bayes Network B: Convolutional neural network C: Deep auto-encoder D: Long short-term memory E: Wireless network
Which of the following phrases are the artificial neural networks truly used in machine Learning? A: Bayes Network B: Convolutional neural network C: Deep auto-encoder D: Long short-term memory E: Wireless network
卷积神经网络的英文是Convolutional Neural Network,简称CNN
卷积神经网络的英文是Convolutional Neural Network,简称CNN
循环神经网络RNN (Recurrent Neural Networks)可以处理哪些情况?
循环神经网络RNN (Recurrent Neural Networks)可以处理哪些情况?
Which of the following phrases are the artificial neural networks truly used in machine Learning?
Which of the following phrases are the artificial neural networks truly used in machine Learning?
在深度学习中,CNN是指() A: Cable<br/>News Network,电视新闻网络 B: Convolutional<br/>Neural Network,卷积神经网络 C: Cable<br/>Neural Network,电视神经网络 D: 以上说法都不正确
在深度学习中,CNN是指() A: Cable<br/>News Network,电视新闻网络 B: Convolutional<br/>Neural Network,卷积神经网络 C: Cable<br/>Neural Network,电视神经网络 D: 以上说法都不正确
神经网络(Neural Networks, NN)是由大量处理单元(神经元)互联组成的
神经网络(Neural Networks, NN)是由大量处理单元(神经元)互联组成的
All of the following are supervised learning ( ) . A: Neural network, Gaussian process regression, decision tree B: Decision tree, Gaussian process regression, collaborative training C: Decision tree, support vector machine, cluster analysis D: Decision tree, neural network, cluster analysis
All of the following are supervised learning ( ) . A: Neural network, Gaussian process regression, decision tree B: Decision tree, Gaussian process regression, collaborative training C: Decision tree, support vector machine, cluster analysis D: Decision tree, neural network, cluster analysis
What technology is Computer-Aided Translation based on? A: Database B: Neural network C: Big data D: Internet
What technology is Computer-Aided Translation based on? A: Database B: Neural network C: Big data D: Internet