钟子期亡故,俞伯牙认为世上再不会有人像钟子期一样能欣赏他的演奏了。所以他就摔碎自己的古琴,从此不再弹琴了。(appreciate; ever since; guqin / heptachord)
After the death of Zhong Ziqi, Yu Boya didn’t believe anyone else in the world could appreciate his performance like Ziqi; so he broke his guqin into pieces and had never played music ever since.
- Translate the following sentences into English. 3 钟子期亡故,俞伯牙认为世上再不会有人像钟子期一样能欣赏他的演奏了。所以他就摔碎自己的古琴,从此不再弹琴了。(appreciate; ever since; guqin / heptachord)
- 钟子期亡故,俞伯牙认为世上再不会有人像钟子期一样能欣赏他的演奏了。所以他就摔碎自己的古琴,从此不再弹琴了。 A: After the death of Zhong Ziqi, Yu Boya didn’t believe anyone else in the world could appreciate his performance like Ziqi; so he broke his guqin into pieces and had never played music ever since. B: After the death of Zhong Ziqi, Yu Boya didn’t believe anyone else in the world could appreciate his performance like Ziqing; so he broke his guqin into pieces and had never played music ever since.
- 俞伯牙,钟子期相传为()……
- 俞伯牙和钟子期的故事
- 俞伯牙和钟子期是什么时期
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“南冠楚囚”与哪一位历史人物有关? A: 钟建 B: 钟仪 C: 钟子期 D: 俞伯牙