What might motivate you to keep on using a language-learning app
- WhAt might motivAte you to join A group?
- According to Lucky, what is the most valuable skills when you are learning a second language?
- What is the difference between language acquisition and language learning? A: Acquisition means you need to use the language in your environment. B: Learning means you know well about how to use the language. C: Acquisition means you have the ability to communicate with native speakers. D: Learning means you are able to use the language fluently with native speakers.
- What are the language competences? A: Using language accurately B: Using language clearly. C: Using languagevividly. D: Using languageappropriately and inlcusively.
- According to Lucky, what is the most valuable skills when you are learning a second language? A: The ability to "wing it" -- getting around without using the exact word B: Talk with a native speaker C: Use the exact word to describe what is in your mind