• 2022-06-12
    ______ was the first American writer to conceive his career in international terms.
    A: Emerson
    B: Henry James
    C: Mark Twain
    D: Ernest Hemingway
  • B


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      __________ is the most ambivalent writer in the American literary<br/>history. A: Nathaniel Hawthorne B: Walt Whitman C: Ralph Waldo Emerson D: Mark Twain

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      Bernald DeVoto comments: “_________ wrote one of the great styles of American literature, he helped develop the modern American style, he was the first writer who ever used the American vernacular at the level of art.” A: Benjamin Franklin B: Mark Twain C: Ralph Waldo Emerson D: Walt Whitman

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      ______ wrote The Adventures of Torn Sawyer. A: Harriet Beecher Stowe B: Mark Twain C: O Henry D: Henry James

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      In his masterpiece The Great Gatsby, _________draws a picture of a Jazz Age society obsessed with money. A: F. Scott Fitzgerald B: Ernest Hemingway C: William Dean Howells D: Mark Twain

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      The novel The Great Gatsby was written by______. A: Mark Twain B: F. Scott Fitzgerald C: Ernest Hemingway D: William Faulkner