3. Kathy is a new student.
- She is a new student. (改为一般疑问句) A: She is a new student? B: She isn't a new student? C: Is she a new student? D: Isn't she a new student?
- 下列声明数组的语句中,错误的选项是( )。 A: var student=new Array() B: var student=new Array(3) C: var student[]=new Array(3)(4) D: var student=new Array('rose','mick')
- 已知s1="I "am a student.",s2='I \'am a student',则print(s1,s2)的输出结果为( ) A: I 'am a student. I 'am a student B: I "am a student. I 'am a student C: I "am a student. I \'am a student D: 程序报错
- If the teacher fails the student, there will be trouble for the student.
- Andrea was not a new student.
- 0
You must be an active student ______ a passive student.
- 1
The girl is probably a new student.
- 2
Given that Student is a class, how many reference variables and objects are created by the following code? Student studentName, studentId; studentName = new Student(); Student stud_class = new Student();
- 3
由于学号(SN)为00291的学生已毕业,欲在关系“Student”中删除该学生的所有信息,用元组关系演算语言实现应为________。 A: GET W (Student): Student. SN = 00291"DELETE W B: GET W: Student. SN = 00291"in StudentDELETE W C: HOLD W (student): Student. SN = 00291"DELETE W D: HOLD W: Student. SN = 00291"in StudentDELETE W
- 4
The new student is in _______.