• 2022-06-15
    James Joyce's Ulysses was banned because of its
    A: stream-of-consciousness storylines.
    B: compression of universal concerns.
    C: certain obscene descriptions of life.
    D: being fined and ordered to cease publication.
  • C


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      Which of the following writers was NOT characterized by employing the "stream of consciousness" technique A: James Joyce B: William Faulkner C: John Steinbeck D: Sherwood Anderson

    • 1

      In English literature,_________ and__________ are the two best-known novelists of the “stream of consciousness” school.( ) A: T.S. Eliot B: James Joyce C: Virginia Woolf D: Ezra Pound

    • 2

      Both James Joyce and Virginia Woolf were ______writers. A: Imagist B: Critical Realist C: Romantic D: Stream-of-Consciousness

    • 3

      Virginia Woolf’s novels contains a lot of ____________. A: aestheticism B: stream of consciousness C: neoclassicalism D: interventions of the divine in human life

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      Virginia Woolf’s novels contains a lot of ____________.(1.0分) A: aestheticism B: stream of consciousness C: neoclassicalism D: interventions of the divine in human life