• 2022-06-15
    9.3 Air is approaching a converging-diverging nozzle with a low velocity at 20 °C and 85 kPa, and it leaves the nozzle at a supersonic velocity. The velocity of air at the throat of the nozzle is
    A: 82 m/s
    B: 98 m/s
    C: 313 m/s
    D: 343 m/s
  • C


    • 0

      Average velocity is defined by the equation v=s/t,____ v is the average velocity, s is the distance traveled, and t is the elapsed time.

    • 1

      雷诺数取决于下列哪些因素( ) 未知类型:{'options': ['特征尺寸Lc(characteristic length, m)', '流体密度(fluid density, [img=50x27]18033f6a26f2543.png[/img])', '特征速度V(velocity of the bulk fluid, m/s)', '流体的动力粘度μ(dynamic viscosity,kg/(m·s) )'], 'type': 102}

    • 2

      雷诺数取决于下列哪些因素( )‎​‎ 未知类型:{'options': ['特征尺寸Lc(characteristic length, m)', '流体密度(fluid density, [img=50x27]18033f6a68c3abd.png[/img])', '特征速度V(velocity of the bulk fluid, m/s)', '流体的动力粘度μ(dynamic viscosity,kg/(m·s) )'], 'type': 102}

    • 3

      当一列火车以10 m/s的速率向东行驶时,若相对于地面竖直下落的雨滴在列车的窗子上形成的雨迹偏离竖直方向30°,则雨滴相对于地面的速率是__________;相对于列车的速率是__________ A: 17.3 m/s,20 m/s B: 20 m/s,17.3 m/s C: 11.54 m/s,5.77 m/s D: 11.54 m/s,20 m/s

    • 4

      空气中的声速大约是:( ) A: 300 m/s B: 1500 m/s C: 1570 m/s D: 5000 m/s E: 8000 m/s