• 2022-06-15
  • Xi is the great treasure of the sovereign of a state. To win a state, one must win its people. To win the people, one must win their trust. Without trust, a sovereign cannot lead his people. Without people, the state will inevitably be lost. Thus, an ancient king would not forfeit the trust of his people, and the ancient overlord of a state would never bully his neighboring states. A good ruler never abuses his people and a good patriarch never abuses his family.


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      古之人不余欺也!(石钟山记)句中()前置了。 A: 不 B: 欺 C: 人 D: 余

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      下列有关诚信的名言哪句是李白讲的() A: A民无信不立 B: B诚者,天之道也;思诚者,人之道也 C: C内不欺已,外不欺人 D: D土扶可城墙,积德为厚地

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      老子说:“古之善为道者,非以明民,将以愚之。民之难治,以其智多。故以智治国,国之贼;不以智治国,国之福。知此两者,亦稽式。”这里所说的“知此两者”的两者指的是()和()。(选二) A: 故以智治国,国之贼。 B: 非以明民。 C: 不以智治国,国之福。 D: 古之善为道者。