• 2022-05-27
    9. It is said that the earliest form of football was called Cuju in ancient China.
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      清明节主要活动有( ) A: Tomb Sweeping 扫墓 B: Spring Outing 踏青 C: Flying Kites 放风筝 D: Play an ancient football game(cuju) E: Swinging 荡秋千

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      Chinese painting was called ______ in ancient China.( ) A: oil painting B: landscape painting C: ink painting D: scroll painting

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      中国大学MOOC: China’s high-speed railway is vividly called one of the “four great inventions” of modern China.

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      古代,第一名叫“状元”,第二名叫“榜眼”,第三名叫_______。In ancient China, the first place was called “Zhuangyuan”, the second place was called “Bangyan”, and the third place was called_______. A:

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      Cuju is believed to have originated in China before the Spring and Autumn period. ( )