• 2022-05-26 问题

    Cuju is believed to have originated in China before the Spring and Autumn period. ( )

    Cuju is believed to have originated in China before the Spring and Autumn period. ( )

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    9. It is said that the earliest form of football was called Cuju in ancient China.

    9. It is said that the earliest form of football was called Cuju in ancient China.

  • 2022-06-28 问题

    蹴鞠是古代清明节人们喜爱的一种游戏。 A: Cuju, a kick-ball game, was popular to play on Tomb-sweeping Day in ancient China. B: Cuju was a popular game to play on Tomb-sweeping Day in ancient China. C: / D: /

    蹴鞠是古代清明节人们喜爱的一种游戏。 A: Cuju, a kick-ball game, was popular to play on Tomb-sweeping Day in ancient China. B: Cuju was a popular game to play on Tomb-sweeping Day in ancient China. C: / D: /

  • 2022-06-28 问题

    ‏蹴鞠是古代清明节人们喜爱的一种游戏。‏ A: Cuju, a kick-ball game, was popular to play on Tomb-sweeping Day in ancient China. B: Cuju was a popular game to play on Tomb-sweeping Day in ancient China. C: / D: /

    ‏蹴鞠是古代清明节人们喜爱的一种游戏。‏ A: Cuju, a kick-ball game, was popular to play on Tomb-sweeping Day in ancient China. B: Cuju was a popular game to play on Tomb-sweeping Day in ancient China. C: / D: /

  • 2022-06-06 问题

    In the Song Dynasty, cuju flourished due to social and economic development, extending its popularity to every class in society. ( )

    In the Song Dynasty, cuju flourished due to social and economic development, extending its popularity to every class in society. ( )

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    Of the following sports, which one is very popular in the Song dynasty? A: chuiwan B: wrestling C: equestrian polo D: cuju

    Of the following sports, which one is very popular in the Song dynasty? A: chuiwan B: wrestling C: equestrian polo D: cuju

  • 2022-06-17 问题

    Which of the following is Chinese traditional sport A: archery(射箭) B: cuju(traditional football) C: martial arts D: acrobatics(杂技)

    Which of the following is Chinese traditional sport A: archery(射箭) B: cuju(traditional football) C: martial arts D: acrobatics(杂技)

  • 2022-05-27 问题

    In the Song dynasty, _____,was so popular that everyone from the emperor to ordinary people participated in it. A: equestrian polo B: chess playing C: chuiwan D: cuju

    In the Song dynasty, _____,was so popular that everyone from the emperor to ordinary people participated in it. A: equestrian polo B: chess playing C: chuiwan D: cuju

  • 2022-07-29 问题

    清明节主要活动有( ) A: Tomb Sweeping 扫墓 B: Spring Outing 踏青 C: Flying Kites 放风筝 D: Play an ancient football game(cuju) E: Swinging 荡秋千

    清明节主要活动有( ) A: Tomb Sweeping 扫墓 B: Spring Outing 踏青 C: Flying Kites 放风筝 D: Play an ancient football game(cuju) E: Swinging 荡秋千

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