• 2022-05-27
    A: In order to investigate the reason for the decrease of learning efficiency, a comparative study was conducted between the experimental group and the control group.
    B: In order to look into the reason for the decrease of learning efficiency, we conducted a comparative study between the experimental group and the control group.
    C: 无
    D: 无
  • A


    • 0


    • 1

      为进一步探寻引起学习效率下降的原因,我们对实验组和参照组进行了对比研究 A: Inordertolookintothereasonforthedecreaseoflearningefficiency,weconductedacomparativestudybetweentheexperimentalgroupandthecontrolgroup. B: Inordertoinvestigatethereasonforthedecreaseoflearningefficiency,acomparativestudywasconductedbetweentheexperimentalgroupandthecontrolgroup.

    • 2

      The biggest difference between Observational studies and Experimental<br/>research is( ) A: Intervention or treatment B: Prospective C: Random allocation D: Paralleled control group E: Blinding

    • 3

      The difference in epidemiological experimental studies compared with prospective cohort studies is A: Research direction from outcome to causes B: Established a control group C: Interventions were implemented for the experimental group D: Can be used for cause inference E: Can be used to verify the cause of the hypothesis

    • 4

      The control group A: generally has higher income than the control group B: has no difference with control group C: is group of individules who are not subject to the intervention being studied D: is group of individules who are subject to the intervention being studied