• 2022-05-27
    Hot dishes should be served after cold dishes in Chinese table manners.( )
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      refers to the fragrant and appetizing smell of the dishes, served on the table before eating.

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      What is the right sequence of serving the following foods in a formal banquet?①rice②soup③cold dishes④hot dishes A: ①②③④ B: ③④②① C: ①③④② D: ③①④②

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      During the dinner, for dinners where food is served at the table, the dishes should be passed in a __________ flow. A: andom B: host-oriented C: clockwise D: counter-clockwise

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      In China, daily dishes are served together but banquet dishes are served in many successive courses.

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      Bill Smith and Laurent White are ordering their food. Watch the video clip and choose what they order. A: Cold Dishes B: Hot Dishes C: Hot Soups D: Rice and Noodles E: Drinks