• 2021-04-14
    Normally cold dishes are served before hot ones, and soup are served before dry dishes.

  • 内容

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      What is the right sequence of serving the following foods in a formal banquet?①rice②soup③cold dishes④hot dishes A: ①②③④ B: ③④②① C: ①③④② D: ③①④②

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      Which of the following order of serving dishes is incorrect for Chinese banquets? ( ) A: Serving cold dishes first. B: Serving soup first. C: Serving hot dishes next. D: Serving dessert last.

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      1. A __________ is the list of dishes available at a restaurant or to be served at a meal.

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      中英互译:热菜 A: hot dishes B: spicy food C: hot vegetables D: cold dishes

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      Champagne is best served "chilled". Chill the bottle before use in the refrigerator and place in a wine cooler, with some water and ice cubes. A: hot B: warm C: frozen D: moderately cold