• 2022-05-27
    In both Chinese and 1 ,there is such a 2 “HelpOthers,Help Yourself”If 3 ,we should try to give others a 4 hand. “Give-A-Hand”isan 5 .It has alarge group of collegestudents as 6 .The 7 of the organization is to help the 8 ,for example,people in an 9 .The volunteers work in hospitals in every possible way.They know they could not stop 10 ,but they wil at least bring hope to people in need.Let's join them.
  • English# saying# possible# helpful# organization# volunteers# purpose# needy# earthquake# disasters



    • 0

      What the meaning for "Can you give me a hand?" A: Can you show me your hand? B: Can you help me? C: What can i do for you? D: Let's hand in hand.

    • 1

      We try to give as __________ help as possible to the students of the school.

    • 2

      Sending out cards could let the volunteers know that people are _____ to them .

    • 3

      "give me a hand" ="help".( )

    • 4

      What’s the meaning of the underlined phrase “would you please give me a hand”? ( )​‏​ A: Lend me a hand B: Give your hand to me C: Give my hand to you D: Give me some help